
AEFIS是一个多用途系统,允许学校执行与评估相关的各种任务. 它允许学校进行课程评估和其他调查. 它还允许教师收集评估信息,用于项目评估和认证目的. Departments can also use it for accreditation review.

Blackboard (Learning Management System) – For Faculty & Instructors

Blackboard是该大学的学习管理系统,为教师和讲师提供了一个管理课程内容的地方, collect student assignments, facilitate online tests, and more. 它还提供了许多可用于教学的技术工具.


为学生提供黑板功能和工具的有用文档和描述. 如果您对Blackboard或学生门户网站有任何疑问,请查看学生常见问题解答.

Blackboard Basics


Blackboard Discussion Boards

讨论板是一种异步通信工具,允许学生或学生组参与线程在线论坛. 讨论板是按层次组织的论坛,有主题和回复. 通常由教师用于发布与课程相关的问题,并让学生提供答案.

Blackboard Grading

Blackboard有能力分发期中成绩(家庭作业), quizzes, tests, assignments) to students throughout the term.

Blackboard Online Assessment

通过作业工具收集电子作业是黑板上最常用的工具之一. Blackboard也可以用来促进在线测试和调查. 经常用于在线对话(讨论、博客等)的工具.)也可以由老师在评分中心进行评分和管理.

Blackboard Online Course Content

向学生提供在线内容是教学过程的重要组成部分. 您可以通过Blackboard向您的学生传递任何电子数字信息.

Classroom Technology

事件和课堂管理为艺术学院的班级和其他课程活动提供课堂技术支持, Sciences & Engineering. 这包括在教室里支持传统的视听需求以及电脑和多媒体投影.

Computer Labs

配备Windows和Macintosh电脑的计算机实验室, printers, and other technology are located around campus. 在实验室的计算机上安装了专门的软件,用于课程作业.

Instructional Technology Resources

技术可以帮助使教学更有效、更容易、更全面. 各种各样的教学技术资源可供教师和学生在大学.

IT Center Lending Library


Online Collaboration Tools for Teaching

该大学为学生之间的在线协作提供了许多选择. 这些工具为不同的目的提供了不同的工作空间, including documentation, bulletin board, and annotation and note-taking.


Panopto允许您创建自己的桌面录音, record lectures in certain classrooms, 并通过集成播放平台上传外部视频供观看. Panopto与Blackboard集成在一起,允许只有班上的学生才能访问查看材料.


Piazza is a free, online gathering place where students can ask, answer, and explore 24/7, under the guidance of their instructors. 学生和教师都可以回答问题,促进健康的合作讨论.

Polling (Poll Everywhere)

Poll Everywhere是一个投票系统,可以让你实时捕捉观众的反馈, across remote meetings, and in hybrid workspaces through live online polling, surveys, Q&As, quizzes, word clouds, and more.

Rettner 201 Software Consulting

Need help with software? Want to learn something new in 30 minutes? Try our new consulting service in Rettner 201. It's FREE!

Rettner Technology Lending Library

瑞特纳技术借阅图书馆提供艺术、科学 & 工程与访问的一系列标准和实验技术, including GoPro action cameras, Google Glass, and Oculus Rift.

Software Licensing

大学技术商店管理整个大学常用软件程序的软件许可证. 有关未列出的软件的信息,请联系UR技术商店.

UR Mobile

UR Mobile是该大学的移动应用程序,提供随时访问, to events, the online directory, maps, bus tracking, and other resources. The app is available on iOS, and Android.

UR Student (Workday)

UR Student (Workday) is the University's primary student administration system and supports the processes associated with a student's progression from admission through graduation; including, student records, registration, course rosters, grading, advising, and transcripts. UR Student将供所有教师和学生使用,并可通过移动应用程序访问.

Video Production

Video services include HD video recording and editing, green screen work, creating motion graphics, sharing or archiving content, storyboarding, outline development, and basic scripting. 常见的视频制作包括讲座/活动录音, tutorials, instructional/course content creation, and promotional videos.


VISTA合作实验室是一个可视化实验室,配备了连接到超级计算机的交互式显示墙. Capable of rendering massive data sets in real time, 它提供了一个沉浸式的环境来可视化和分析复杂的数据. Remove visualization is also available, 让您在蓝色蜂巢可视化数据,并查看它在您的个人电脑上.

Voicethread (Discussion Board)

Voicethread是一个可以让你围绕媒体进行对话的工具. 它可以用来促进基于多媒体的讨论和演示. 将Voicethread链接到您的课程将根据在Blackboard课程中的注册情况自动为您(教师)和您的学生创建帐户.